Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dancing Like David

David danced before the Lord.

We know this.  It's a popular verse. (2 Samuel 6:14).  The part we tend to skip over is that he was wearing only an linen ephod.  He was in his underwear.

When was the last time you danced in your underwear?  (Don't answer that).

But seriously, if dancing in your underwear isn't acceptable in our time, I highly doubt it was accepted in David's.

When was the last time you did something socially unacceptable but for God's glory?  When was the last time you didn't care what others thought?  When was the last time you praised God in the way you felt most appropriate (no pun intended)?  (You can answer those).

<>< Katie

PS: Inspired by Francis Chan's Forgotten God.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

i dance in my underwear everyday. are you surprised?